Friday, November 5, 2010

Sprenkenzi Anglais? - A Trip to Frankfurt

As you should know if you read my last blog post, I went to Frankfurt this past weekend! I would like to give you all the deets, but I'm a little pressed for time because I have yet to prepare for my trip to PARIS AND PRAGUE, for which I leave earrrrly tomorrow morning. Therefore, I am going to give all of you a photo tour of my trip to Frankfurt. Before I begin, I would like to give a shout out to the Henschels (aka Joe's aunt and uncle's family) for letting my stay with them for the weekend. They were excellent tour guides and extremely hospitable!

Now on to the photos:
 On day one, which was Friday, Joe gave me a walking tour of Frankfurt. I have to say he was a pretty good tour guide. I was surprised at how much he remembered from the tour he took. We began at the center of Frankfurt with the church you see above. I was pretty amazed as it towered meters above me. One thing I found interesting was that they painted the inside walls of the church to look like stone because they didn't like the way they looked originally.
Later in the day Joe and I walked along the river. We crossed the bridge that you see above over to the other side of the river, for one, so we could see the view of the city and also because Joe wanted to show me the legendary chicken that the bridge is famous for. 
This is the chicken that I speak of. I swear there is a point to this! Ask Joe for the story behind the bridge, I'm sure he'll tell it better than me.
Later in the day we went to a little market. This was probably one of my favorite things of the day! All the smells and colors were just so tantalizing to my senses. Joe and I had an original Frankfurter sausage. It was surprisingly tasty as long as I didn't think about the amount of fat that I had to have been eating ...
After that, we went to a famous department store in Frankfurt and took one too many escalators all the way to the roof. From there the view was spectacular! You could see the entire city, and Frankfurt has a surprisingly nice skyline, as you can see above.
 The last venture for the day was a trip to the communications museum. There was this little gadget in which we could see yourself in ... as you can see I was rather amused by it.
 The next day was a little bit more relax but just as awesome. Joe's aunt and uncle took us on a drive up the river Rhine, which was really neat. Then, as you can see from the picture to the right, we took this lift thing all the way to the top of what I think was a montain? haha Anyway, once again the view was beautiful ... this seems to be a trend among my pictures. From the top we saw the monument in the picture to the left!

The last day we went to a little town called Bat Hambourgh. It was a really quaint place, as can be seen from the pictures above. We walked through a garden, which was both relaxing and refreshing! We also climbed a tower that was used as protection during a war.

Well, that's it folks! I hope you enjoyed my photo tour of Frankfurt :D