Monday, October 11, 2010

Lil' bit of exploring and a lil' bit of reuniting!

Well ... it's been a while since I blogged so everyone better be eager and excited for this post! I'll try not to bore you with all the details of my life since the last post.

Last week was pretty much a waste of my life because I was dying with multiple illnesses. Not only did I have some sort of cold/flu thing, which came along with a fever and the spins, but I soon learn that on top of that I had a UTI. Yes, a urinary tract infection. :( That is probably more information than anyone reading this needs, but all should know that UTI's pretty much blow. But thankfully I had the lovely Joe Patterson to take care of me. He made me soup and watched movies/TV shows with me. It was kind of the perfect weekend for the situation at hand.

On to happier times, last Sunday, even though I was still feeling a little crappy, Joe and I went on a day trip to Canterbury, Leeds and Dover. We explored the Leeds castle, which is absolutely beautiful! For approximately two hours I felt a little bit like a queen as we explored all the rooms in our self-guided tour. Next we went to lunch at this cute little mom and pop restaurant in Canterbury. Of course I had the traditional fish and chips! Then we headed to Canterbury Cathedral, which is masssssive and has amazing architecture. If you think the National Cathedral is big, think again. It was definitely a sight to see. After we headed to Dover which is on the coast. We didn't have very long there, but we got to walk along the beach. Sadly, the fog got in the way of what is suppose to be a beautiful view of France! I even took a neat little pebble as a souvenir. : D

A week ago today, I finally started classes! Here in London, apparently we don't study or go to class. We sleep, eat and drink. But alas, I am a student again, even if I only have eight hours of class a week. My classes are actually pretty good. I'm taking 4, each worth 4 credits. They are International Security, International Development and Public Policy, International Relations Theories and Applied Studies of Anthropology. I will also be doing an internship! I'm not sure where yet, because the university is going to set me up with a placement based on my professional interests.

This past weekend London had some visitors! The infamous Jess Lin and Kyle Contrata. It was awesome seeing them again and reminiscing with them. I've got to say it made me miss AU a little. Kyle arrived Thursday evening and we proceeded to play some beer pong and then go out ... who didn't see that coming. But I have to say that I truly missed the drunken shinanagins that prevail when Joe and Kyle are together.
Jess arrived early Friday morning and was waiting for us when we returned from the club. There was quite a lot of drama with her arrival, but you can refer to Joe's blog for the down low. Friday we went to see some of the sights as Kyle and Jess wanted to explore London a little. That night we played the wonderful game of Nemesis and Joe, Jess and I were quite the team. Then of course we hit up the clubs. Saturday night was almost exactly the same, apart from a little bit of X Factor thrown it, which is the British version of American Idol. Overall it was by far a successful weekend!

Now I'm off to go get some iceeeee creammmm! Woot.

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