Thursday, September 16, 2010

Almost to London! ... I Guess It's Time for A Blog

So here's my blog, enjoy! I decided to be a sheep and follow the pack of my fellow abroaders (yes I made up a word, expect that a lot) and make a blog of my own. Now, any interested can track me and my adventures in the exciting city of London and beyond!

The London Eye! ... It's actually scarier to ride than you'd think.
First off, I would like to accredit the puny title to the one and only Matt/Matthew Kabak. A "Broad" in London, hahaha! Okayy, maybe only I find it cute, clever and funny! I am not quite sure yet what I will be writing in this infamous blog, but I'm sure to bore the majority with my incessant rambling. However, I hope some of you enjoy my stories, tales and occasional incoherent babel. Also, expect some of my amateur photography. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I love love love my pictures and taking them! I'm not the best photographer, but I hope to do the beautiful city of London some justice.  

I have approximately 48 hours till I board a flight to London and my emotions couldn't be more scattered. I'm excited, nervous, anxious and antsy all at the same time. At the moment, I'm concerned with the fact that I have wayyy too much stuff to fit into two suitcases, and it doesn't help that I've been in Florida the past two weeks shopping my pants off! Currently my bedroom floor is hidden from the world as it is covered with the entirety of my wardrobe. My mom is making me go through all of my clothing in hopes that I'll get rid of some old stuff that I no longer wear, ughh. But anyway, one way or another, mark my words, all of my possessions will fit into two suitcases!

oh my ....

For now, I play the waiting game but then It's London here I come!  


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