Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Arrival: Finally in London

I'm here, I made it! After 3 flights, Ft. Walton Beach to Detroit to London and approximately 10 hrs in the air, I landed in London. That was on Sunday. Since then, I have to say I've been really busy running around trying to sort out my new life. The first great thing was getting to see Joe at the airport. It was the perfect welcome to London! Thanks to him, all my luggage made it safely to Ramsay hall. I have a single in Ramsay, which is a little small but definitely workable. I've tried to put a little bit of my own flare into it with pictures and what not. It's growing on me, and slowly but surely I'm meeting everyone on my floor.

Sunday I just spent the day with Joe, which was awesome since I hadn't been with him for a month. We went to a pub and I bought my first, legal pint of beer! The food wasn't too bad either, which was definitely a plus as I've heard British food is a little on the bad side. Monday, Joe had no class so we went to the London eye! It was really great. We got to see the entire city from every angle possible. It just made me want to explore even more!

Monday was the first official day of orientation. It was pretty good but slightly overwhelming. I went to a meet and greet and met a ton of new people. It really did feel like freshman year all over again. Also, I've never heard so many languages in one place at one time EVER. It was mind-blowing. London truly is the most cosmopolitan city in the world. After the meet and greet we headed over to a welcome talk, which was typical orientation. Then I went through the enrollment process .... grrrr. It was slightly nightmarish. I had to wait in line for 2 hours just to get my ID card, username and password. But eventually I got through it!

After that I went back to my room, and I have to say, being in a single is a little lonely. I sat there thinking why am I here, in London, having to pretty much start all over again. Then I realized that I'm just a person who loves change. Life would be too monotonous if you always stayed in the same place and always did the same thing with the same people. I've gotta say that I like the challenge that change entails, and I know that being here in London is going to help me grow as a person. So I say, bring it on world!

So after that little "moment" in my room I decided to go out and venture. Lo and behold I meet a ton a people who felt the same way I did. That's the beauty of being a new student, everyone just wants to make friends, awww! Also, the neat thing was everyone that I met was from somewhere different. We decided to go get some pizza and then go to a pub to watch the Arsenal - Tottenham game. The atmosphere was great! I also had cider for the first time, yummmm!

Well I guess so far so good, London is a success!


  1. I'm loving the Dubai memories up on that cork board. :) Miss you, chica!

  2. Hey girl! I'm so glad to hear that you are getting settled and meeting new people. :) You are so sweet and easy to get along with that I'm sure you will always have someone to hang out with. :) Looking forward to hearing more!


  3. your first sip of beer! congrats
